Information blurp
This is a work-in-progress website redesign for and associated satelite sites. For the moment the focus will be on the base site, and making searching as easy as possible.
The new search box is an omnisearch, which means that it will search all the databases for results whenever it makes sense to do so. It will also search in all possible languages when it makes sense to do so, but to help you rule out undesired results the omnisearch offers on-the-fly input conversion so that you can pick a Japanese phrase to rule out English searches.
The landing page is kept as minimal as possible, to keep searches clean.
This box will show related information while browsing through the search results, such as information on kanji used in words, related terms and example phrases.
The styling is not fixed yet, and it's still very early days. I'll probably use different fonts for different aspects of the site, the futuristic looking font is mostly for presentation purposes, not for running text, for instance.
- Pomax
New features
- Everything is cross-linked. Simply hover your mouse over something, and if it lights up you can click on it to search the dictionaries with it.
- Clicking an entry shows the details for all kanji used in that entry, so there is no need to separately look up kanji in a word anymore.
- Input language auto-detection has been replaced with "search everything that makes sense" logic instead. Searching for "envelope" will search as both English and kana, for instance, because it can be turned into エンヴェォペ.
- Convert-as-you-type romaji to kana in the search box. You can use your cursor keys to traverse the suggested kana conversions, or click on them with the mouse, or if you want to get rid of the conversion box, hit ESC.
- Romanisation "furigana" for entry readings.
- Much better database result caching. The first search may take a few seconds, any time after that, it'll take roughly 0.008s to fetch the results from cache.
- new content management, with better support for noties, announcements, on-the-side blog entries, and comments
- Login-based preferences. Simply sign up, log in, and customise the way you want things to look and feel. Being logged in means you'll also be able to post comments simply by typing your comments and hitting "post".